Monday, 14 July 2014

My life in Rio..

So after finding my feet again after the craziness of Carnival and much needed sleep, I was lucky enough to stumble upon the right person at the top of my favourite view point. Next minute I had myself a job working 3 days a week in the reception of a beach front hostel in Leblon. Little did I know that this opportunity would allow me to stay an extra 4 months in this thriving city. Soon enough I was getting Portuguese lessons and making a ton of new friends. I will admit my memory and learning new languages don't go together at all, but hey I gave it a try. Parabens para mim!!! This job gave me the opportunity to meet so many great people and learn a lot. Not to mention World Cup, hello Carnival 2. I have to thank Brasil for popping my football cherry, before coming here I don't thnk I had ever watched a game let alone know any of the players, but now I can say im quite a fan of a few of those boys now.. hehehehe GO TEAM!

So after; many many; crazy bus rides, weekend trips away, soaking wet feet of the flooded streets, enough bolo to feed a city, mountain trecks to have buns of steel, Sunday beach perving sessions to compete with Johnny Bravo and far too many Caipirinhas I should apologise to my liver and lastly to the huge amount of amazing friends I have made here ( locals, residents and fellow travellers), it is hard to confess that it is time to move on.

Today Kyle and I are setting off to Pure paradise... Jericoacoara in the north of Brasil.

Heres some of my rio snaps..

1 comment:

  1. Woot! So much more happened I know but it's exciting to read this and hear of the beginning of the next part of your adventure!

    Love you!
